Ayanna Dookie Marie Faustin Tim Manley Nate Charles Troisi
And more!
Musical Talent: Jessica Delfino
Including Haircuts/ & Styles By: Denny Moe Jr.
Hosted by:
Dawn J. Fraser http://www.dawnjfraser.com/
Mike Brown http://www.ohthatmikebrown.com/
Location: Denny Moe's Superstar Barbershop Address: 2496 Fredrick Douglass Blvd (btwn 133rd and 134th). Harlem Train: C train to 135th
Doors: 7:30pm Show: 8:00pm
$8 Suggested Donation (No one turned away due to lack of funds)
BYOB- You bring alcohol, we'll bring the mixers ;)
For the Facebook invitation for the show, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/644631155639171/