Hey friends!
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with the online storytelling platform Cowbird.
Pairing engaging pictures with a short audio clip or text excerpt, Cowbird gives users the opportunity to tell the story behind an image, creating what they call “a public library of human experience.” The site is free to the public and currently boasts more than 47,000+ authors from 184 countries. For our Cowbird page, we’ll be creating a platform where stories are shared via a virtual hair salon, and interested community members can participate by uploading audio and images associated with their story. Since each picture and audio will only be telling a portion of a larger story, we've named this collection 'Barbershop Snippets'. To see the stories we've already uploaded and get a feel for how your story will appear on the website, check out profile here.
If you're reading this and think you would be interested in letting us share your story with the world on this new platform or would like more information, please let us know! Shoot us an email telling us the basic overview of the story you'd like to tell, and we'll make plans to record it with you and get it up.
Thanks for all of your support! We can't wait to bring you more Barbershop Stories.